Trout of the Year

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The Trout of the Year Trophy

The Trout of the Year shield is presented to the BBFC member who caught the most astounding fish of the season and presented at the AGM in February

Trout of the Year Trophy Previous Winners

1987R Ratcliff
1988M Shaw
1989Gerry Cleary
1990Stuart Young
1991Rowland Eustace
1992A G Freebrey
1993John White
1994Robert Barden
1995Trevor Croucher
1996Adrian Necci
1997Vince Brooks
1998P Chappell
1999Vernon Chapman
2000Robert Barden
2001Steve Mason
2002Ray Barfoot
2003Norman Harle
2004Peter Radula-Scott
2005Peter Radula-Scott
2006Peter Woodgate
2007Robin Wieck
2008Clive Perkins
2009Eric Pullen
2010Bernie Fairbrother
2011Tony Fox
2012George Brown
2014Keith Nicholson
2016Ray French
2017Gary Manley
2018David Little
2019No claimants
2020Cancelled due to COVID-19
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