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Constitution Of The Bewl Bridge Flyfishers’ Club & Club Rules

Adopted at a Special General Meeting of Members on 17th November 2008

  1. The Club shall be known as The Bewl Bridge Flyfishers’ Club

  3. The objects of the club are:

    a)To provide facilities for and promote participation of the whole Community in the sport of fly fishing
    b)To promote the sport of fly-fishing at Bewl Water
    c)To co-operate actively with the management at Bewl Water, to liaise with its representatives, and to ensure that the observations and ideas of members of the club concerning the fishing at Bewl Water are given consideration
    d)To maintain relations with representatives of other participating sports with a view to ensuring that the amenities at Bewl Water may best be utilised to mutual advantage
    e)To organise a programme of events for the benefit of members
    f)To encourage sound fly-fishing practice, to encourage a camaraderie among members, and to foster among them a sense of responsibility towards the reservoir and fellow users
    g)The income and property of the club shall be applied solely towards promoting the Club’s objects as set forth in this constitution and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, to members of the Club
  5. In this constitution and in these rules wherever the context permits:

    a)The following words and expressions shall have the following meanings respectively:
    "The Club" shall mean The Bewl Bridge Flyfishers' Club
    "The Rules" shall mean the Rules of the Club for the time being in force
    "The Bye-laws" shall mean Byelaws duly made by the Committee and for the time being in force
    "Member" shall mean a person who has applied for membership and has been accepted as a member of the Club and has paid all entrance fees and/or subscriptions payable under the Rules
    "The Committee" shall mean the Committee of the Club for the time being
    "The Annual General Meeting" shall mean the Annual General Meeting of the members of the Club
    b)Words implying the singular number shall include the plural and Vice-versa
    c)The masculine gender shall include the feminine gender. Any determination by the Committee as to the interpretation of this Constitution, the Rules, or the Byelaws shall be final and binding on the members
  7. The Annual General Meeting will be held each year at a date to be appointed by the Committee. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to members not less than twenty-one days prior to the date of such meeting. The business of the annual General Meeting shall be;

    a)To receive from the Committee:
    i) A report on the activities and affairs of the Club during the year ending on the preceding 31st December
    ii) For adoption an audited Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending on the preceding 31st December
    b)To elect the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Membership Secretary
    c)To elect members of the Committee
    d)To appoint a President and any Vice-Presidents who may be proposed in accordance with Rule 7
    e)Such other business as shall have been communicated to the Secretary and included in the Notice of the meeting sent by him to members, or as may be raised at the meeting and which the Chairman, in his absolute discretion considers does not need prior notice to members
  9. A Special General Meeting of the Members shall be called at any time by the Secretary on a resolution of the Committee specifying the object of the Meeting or on receipt by the Secretary of a requisition signed by not less than Twenty five members specifying the object of the meeting, provided that not Less than fourteen days notice specifying the object of the meeting shall be given to members and no business which is not specified in such notice shall be transacted at such meeting

  11. At all General Meetings the Chairman, or in his absence the Vice- Chairman, or, in the absence of both of them a member selected by the Committee, shall take the chair. Except as provided by Rule 20.decisions at a General Meeting shall be by a simple majority of those present and voting. Every full Member, President and Vice-President present shall be entitled to one vote upon every motion and in case of an equality of votes the chairman of the Meeting shall have a second or casting vote. The quorum for General Meetings shall be 25 members personally present and eligible to vote under the Rules. On all questions of procedure the decision of the chairman of the meeting shall be final. Decisions made at a General Meeting shall be binding on all members

  13. The Officers of the Club shall be:

    a)The President and the Vice-Presidents, if any, who have been or shall be elected at a General Meeting. The President and Vice-Presidents of the Club at the date of the adoption of these Rules shall continue to hold their offices without re-election. Each President and Vice-President shall hold office for life or until he voluntarily retires or is retired from office by a resolution of the Committee to that effect passed at a Committee Meeting at which at least nine members of the Committee are present and two thirds of those present vote in favour of the resolution
    b)The following Officers who shall be separately elected at an Annual General Meeting and who will hold office from the Annual General Meeting at which they are elected until the next Annual General Meeting, and shall be eligible for re-election:
    i) the Chairman
    ii) the Vice-Chairman
    iii) the Secretary
    iv) the Treasurer
    v) the Membership Secretary
    One member may hold more than one office. The Committee may designate other offices from time to time and may appoint a member to fill such office until the next Annual General Meeting. In the event of a vacancy occurring in any of the offices of the Club during the year the Committee may appoint a member to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting
  15. The Committee shall consist of:

    a)the Chairman who shall preside over all meetings at which he is present
    b)such of the President and Vice-Presidents who give notice to the Secretary before the Annual General Meeting in each year of their intention regularly to attend the meetings of the Committee during the ensuing year
    c)the Vice-Chairman, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Membership Secretary
    d)not more than ten other elected members
  17. a)The Committee shall have full powers to manage the affairs of the Club
    b)The Committee shall define the duties of the Officers and may from time to time vary those duties
    c)The Committee may make, alter and rescind such byelaws as it thinks expedient for regulating the management of the Club, the use of any car parks or other facilities provided for the benefit of members and the conduct of members in relation to the fishing at Bewl Water and all such byelaws shall be binding on all members after notice in writing thereof
    d)The Committee will appoint an auditor who shall audit the Balance Sheet and Expenditure Account before the Annual General Meeting at which such accounts are to be submitted for adoption. The auditor may be any person whom the Committee considers suitable and competent to audit the accounts and need not be a Chartered Accountant
    e)The Committee may appoint any sub-committee for such purposes (other than the powers and duties specified in paragraphs (b) (c) and (d) of this Rule and in Rules 7 (a) and 16) as it may think expedient and may delegate to such sub-committee the function and power of the Committee relating to such purposes
    f)Except as provided by Rules 7(a) and 16 the quorum for Committee Meetings shall be four members of the Committee personally present
    g)Decisions of the Committee, or any sub-committee, shall except as provided by Rules 7(a) and 16 be made by a simple majority of those present and voting .If there is an equality of votes the Chairman, if present, shall have a second and casting vote
    h)Subject to these Rules, the Committee and any sub-committee will regulate its own procedure
    i)The Committee will cause minutes of all its meetings to be kept
    j)The committee may co-opt a member to fill a vacancy on the Committee until the next Annual General Meeting, and may co-opt members for special purposes within the Club year whether or not there is a vacancy
  19. a)Any person who is interested in the art of fly-fishing shall be eligible for membership without discrimination
    b)The Club may refuse membership or expel from membership only for good and sufficient cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute, Appeal against such a decision may be made to the Club’s members and decided by a majority vote
  21. The membership shall consist of:

    a)Full Members over the age of 17 years. The total number of Full Members shall not exceed such number, as the Committee shall from time to time determine
    b)Junior Members under the age of 18 years
    c)Honorary Life Members
    d)Honorary Temporary ("Complimentary") Members
  23. Admission of Full Members and Junior Members shall be by decision of the Committee or, if the Committee thinks it expedient and has so delegated, the decision of the Membership Secretary. Application may be made to the Membership Secretary and no proposer or seconder is necessary. No person shall be admitted to Full or Junior Membership until he has been notified that his application has been accepted and has paid his entrance fee (if any) and subscription

  25. Any person who in the opinion of the Committee has distinguished himself in the art of fly-fishing or its promotion or in fish culture or in the preservation, management or improvement of a fishery or has rendered any special service to the Club or has provided facilities for the Club may be elected by the Committee to be an Honorary Member for life or for any shorter period. Any person elected at a General Meeting to be the President or a Vice-President of the Club shall be an Honorary Life Member. Honorary Members shall not be liable to pay any entrance fee or subscription and shall not be entitled to vote at a General Meeting. The honorary membership of any person may be terminated at any time by a resolution of the Committee

  27. A member may resign his membership at any time by letter sent to the Membership Secretary but unless his letter is received by the Membership Secretary before 1st January in any year the member shall, unless the Committee otherwise decides, be liable for his subscription for that year. On resignation a member ceases to be entitled to any rights and privileges and to have any interest in any assets of the Club

  29. The entry fee payable by new members shall be such sum, if any, as the Committee from time to time may determine. The annual subscription shall also be determined from time to time by the Committee, and the Committee in doing so shall make special provision for Junior Members. All annual subscriptions (except the first subscription of a new member) shall be payable on 1st January in each year. If any member fails to pay his annual subscription before 31st March next after it has become due he will be deemed to have resigned but may at the discretion of the committee be re-admitted as a member on payment of the full subscription for that year. No part of any subscription shall be repayable in the event that a member ceases to be a member during the year

  31. The Committee shall have power to expel a member for breach of the Rules or Byelaws or for any conduct which in their opinion renders him unfit to be a member of the Club or is injurious to the interests of the Club; but no resolution to expel a member shall be valid unless two thirds of those present vote in favour of the resolution, nor unless the charges brought against the member have been notified to him in writing and a reasonable opportunity shall have been offered to the member concerned of meeting such charges and of submitting personally or in writing by him or on his behalf any explanation or statement which such member may wish to give. If a member declines to submit tan explanation or statement, or fails to do so within 21 days from the date of the notice to him of the charges, he shall be deemed to have resigned and no resolution to expel him shall be passed. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the Committee, having duly resolved that the charges against the member are proved, from requesting the member to resign, and if such request is complied with within 14 days of its being made no resolution shall be passed

  33. No Officer, Committee Member other member of the Club shall in any manner receive any profit, salary or emoluments from the funds or transactions of the Club but any Officer or member of the Committee may be paid or reimbursed his reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of his duties

  35. Every member shall notify the Membership Secretary of his address and any change therein. All Club notices or other communications posted to the member at his address last notified to the Membership Secretary shall be considered to have been received by the member within four business days of the date of posting

  37. In the event of the Club being wound up the assets of the club shall, subject to the discharge of all liabilities incurred on behalf of the Club, be distributed to such charity or charities connected with the sport of angling or the conservation of fish as shall be specified in a resolution passed at a General Meeting at which the winding up resolution is passed and, if no charity is so specified, shall be distributed to the sports national governing body for use by them in community related sport

  39. The constitution of the Club and the Rules may be added to, repealed, or amended by resolution duly notified and passed at any Annual; or Special General Meeting provided that any such resolution is carried by a majority of at least two thirds of the members voting thereon

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