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Pressure: 1022mb
Sunset: 17:18 GMT

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By-laws of the Bewl Bridge Flyfishers’ Club

Made by the Committee on 17th March 2008

  2. Members must comply with the Bewl Water Fishery rules and regulations. These are revised from time to time and members should ensure that they are aware of the rules and regulations as regards permits, fishing, use of boats, and all other matters

  4. Members must comply with the following regulations and any other regulations made by the Committee from time to time concerning the use of car parks. The following are the regulations currently in force:

    a)A current membership card must be visibly displayed in your car
    b)A tag must be displayed when using the car park at Whiligh and Hazelhurst Farm
    c)The tag box at the entrance to Hazelhurst Farm must be left locked at all times
    d)No more than the permitted number of cars may be parked at each car park and the following instructions must be observed
    e)WHILIGH - 4 Cars in the farmyard
    Obtain tag from board on right of entrance drive off main road and proceed on macadam and then concrete road to farmyard. Park with discretion in the farmyard without causing an obstruction. Cross the fields to stile at Southwest side of Brown’s Inlet
    f)HAZELHURST FARM - 5 cars in car park past the cattle grid at entrance to the farm road
    Obtain tag from locked box on right hand side of entry road. Proceed to parking area. Walk back to cattle grid to join path to either Dunsters Bay or Copens Reach. Do not climb fence at any point. Shut all gates
    g)Members should report to the Club’s Landowners’ Liaison Officer;
    i) Any damage caused by a member to the Landowners’ property
    ii) Any infringement of the regulations concerning car parking
  6. The rules of courteous fishing cannot be listed exhaustively but will usually be determined by common sense. Members should avoid breaches of the rules of which the following are examples:

    a)Moving into another's boat drift
    b)Fishing close to another bank fisherman
    c)Casting into another fisherman’s wedge of water
    d)Taking a boat through or near to a bank fisherman’s water
    e)Causing any disturbance to another fisherman or the water he is fishing

17th March 2008

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