Grand Max

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Min: -1°C (31°F)
Wind: Easterly
Wind Speed: 6mph
Pressure: 1022mb
Sunset: 17:18 GMT

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The Grand Max

The Grand Max is the Bewl Bridge Flyfishers' Club invitation match fished on a floating line in September (normally) each year

The Grand Max Previous Winners

1988Sovereign FF
1989Cormorants FC
1990Weald of Kent
1991Sovereign FF
1992Fishing for Fun
1993Bewl Bridge FC
1994Bewl Bridge FC
1995Bristol Reservoirs FA
1996Bewl Bridge FC
1997Fishing for Fun
1998Walthamstow FC
1999Fish Hawks (Andico)
2000Fulling Mill Weald of Kent
2001Fulling Mill Weald of Kent
2002BBFC Chingley Chompers
2003Bewl Bridge FC
2004Bewl Bridge FC
2005Bewl Bridge FC
2006Queen Mother Flyfishers
2007Queen Mother Flyfishers
2008Kent & Sussex Flyfishers
2009Fish Hawks
2010BBFC Chingley Chompers
2011Team Vision
2012Fish Hawks
2013Flyfishing Forever
2014Fish Hawks
2015Kent & Sussex Flyfishers
2016Team Grand Max
2017Flyfishing Forever
2018Team Grand Max
2019Team Vision
2020Team Vision
2021Team Vision
2022Team Vision
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