Min: -1°C (31°F)
Wind: Easterly
Wind Speed: 6mph
Pressure: 1022mb
Sunset: 17:18 GMT
The Bewl Bridge Flyfishers' Club (BBFC) was formed in the mid to late 1970s during the construction of Bewl Bridge reservoir and before it opened to the public. At that time it was not a foregone conclusion that Bewl would start life as a trout fishery; indeed it was only as a result of very strong lobbying by the club and in particular its first chairman Brian Harris that Bewl became a trout fishery rather than a coarse fishery
In the 1990s the club decided to retain its original name, Bewl Bridge Flyfishers' Club, when the reservoir's name was changed to Bewl Water. The club has been for many years and remains one of the largest fly fishing clubs in the country. It is run by a committee of volunteers who liaise closely with Bewl management on all matters relating to the fishing at Bewl
Full annual membership of the club costs significantly less than the price of a day's fishing ticket (and junior members are free)
Members benefits include third party insurance cover (up to £10 million) whilst fishing, exclusive access to the club's car parks facilitating access around Bewl and discounts on purchases in local tackle shops and the Bewl Water fishing lodge
BBFC enters teams in many major national fly fishing competitions and is always happy to recruit those who wish to try competition fishing for the first time
Special club clothing, badges and other memorabilia is available to members. The club's AGM is held each February and is followed by the popular tackle auction